Rewatchability: very high. Reminded me of Videodrome in its attempt to have sex with your mind, & a storyline that can be interpreted from various angles. The concept is smart & infectious, beautifully crafted in terror. Only problem is the huge POV gap between MC & viewer
2022.6.2 A toast to the memory. A toast to childhood. 从一年级接触它到现在都没有第二个人能和我一起感叹安的成长敬佩Zuko的蜕变以及Team Avatar对安不离不弃的守望没有遇到过第二个人洛丽塔 txt可以和我一起不由自主地背出前言亦或对上任何一句台词反复看Katara vs Paku, Zuko vs Azula对Toph的吐槽会心一笑对Sokka那一点也不好笑的笑话却无比怀念又在安&Katara最后一个吻时流下激动的泪水